Psychic Vampire

Beware the Psychic Vampire,
Feeding uncontrolled,
Feeding on lost innocence,
Feeding on hot lust,
Feeding on your pain,
Feeding, always feeding.

Beware the Psychic Vampire,
Hollow of soul,
Soul an abyss,
Heart of ice.
Emotions of granite,
Empty, so alone.

Beware the Psychic Vampire,
Do not feed it love,
Do not feed it innocence,
Do not long for its presence,
Do not let down your walls,
Or it will love you.

Beware the Psychic Vampire,
Love is eternal,
Becoming a symbiote,
It feeds, you give,
You can not fill the abyss.
Bend to its will, become a vampire.

Beware the Psychic Vampire,
Trapped and intertwined,
Chameleon, but still different,
Nothing but vampire, feeding.
The more lost, the more the hunger,
The uncontrollable desire.

Beware the Psychic Vampire,
Do not give to its soul,
Do not open to its will,
Or you will be absorbed,
And become lost in the symbiote.
The way of the vampire, and love, eternal...

Copyright Eric Stryker 1991, 1997